Sunday, February 6, 2011


Did you know?
Wow! I did not know. Technology has really evolved at a rate that was unbeknownst to me. Some of the facts stated in the presentation were mind blowing. Things like China being the number one English speaking country. The rate your education can be outdated and the way the world is preparing for jobs that don’t exist.
This presentation opened my eyes a little bit wider to the world of technology. The pace at which it moves seems impossible to keep up with. In past time people were able to see change evolve, but these days new changes can happen before you attempt to understand the change at hand.
Mr. Winkle Whales
Mr. Whales was definitely stuck in time. For the last 100 years things have drastically changed. The way we distribute data, the way our medical needs are handled and most of all the way people think are very different from past years.
This presentation conveys that people should not sleep their life away. You should constantly educate yourself on the way the world is moving around you.
Cecelia Gault
I think that Sir Ken Robinson made some very interesting points. Everybody posses some type of creativity, even if other don’t understand their expression. We can help our students get a better education by adding cultural diversity. You learn thing from different people. During my military career I’ve traveled all over the world. The uniqueness about my travels was that every place, place and culture was different. But the aspiration and willpower to succeed were all the same. They just had their own avenues of approach!
Vicki Davis
I can tell Ms. Davis has a real passion for learning. But what really caught my attention was how she said her goal is to teach kids how to learn. This was also a very interesting point because you can’t be taught everything you need to know. Again, with the world moving at a very fast pace you always have to think ahead. The thought of learning from others around the world will eventually have us all connected making the future world a better place.


  1. I really think that you explained yourself well. Wow, was what I said to myself when I saw the video about how fast the world is changing. As you stated about the world has changed over the past 100 years it is actually true. Technology has made things change into a different era of life.

    Creativity I think is an important trait that should be used throughout a persons life. I like when you said that because of you traveling across the world to different countries while you were in the military helped you to be very diversified and helped you to interact with the world more. In the Vicki Davis video, the most interesting point stated was that she wanted to teach kids how to learn. I think you stated that well in your summary of Vicki Davis.

  2. Have you checked on the population of China lately? You should. You might be shocked.

    Mr. Whales? Well, I think the point of Mr. Winkle Wakes goes beyond an effort to keep people from "sleeping their lives away."

    It's great that you were able to interact with a lot of different cultures when you were in the military. Unfortunately, the vast majority of our students do not get that opportunity. Using the internet may help address that issue in some slight way.

    Yes, it is necessary to teach people how to learn. If we can do that we can hope they will be successful in a world that is rapidly changing.

  3. I agree with you, most of the stuff I saw shocked me as well on the did you know? video. Your views and arguments are well thought out, and I think you did a good job with the assignment

  4. I was shocked by the statistics presented in the "Did You Know" videos as well. It is simply crazy to me how fast things are changing. Technology has become such a huge part of our everyday life. It's crazy to think that what we learn in EDM 310 this semester may be outdated by the time we graduate. That video really puts things in perspective. It's so sad to see in "Mr. Winkle Wakes," that when he searches the town the only thing that has not changed is the school. It is so important that we bring technology into the schools so that we can keep our students interested and learning.
