Sunday, July 1, 2012


Mr McClung made some very interesting points about his first two years of teaching. Alot of the things he talked about I can definately relate too. I'm currently at South studying to become a teacher/coach. But in the mean while I do numerous jobs working with kids; whether it's an after school study session or me coaching a team. I have encountered some of the same realities of teaching.

Getting to know your students is the biggest and most rewarding task of the year. If you don't know who you are teaching it's hard to convey the message. In the process of learning your students things you should always consider is a lessened dictatorship, keeping your students envoled in classroom rules and decision will help the learning cohesion of the class.

Another valuable topic he dicussed was the value of a school mom. My football and baseball team moms are the greatest. They do things for me that allow me to actually do my job... Teach! What would i do without them?


  1. Hi Percy! I'm so excited to have the opportunity to read and respond to your Blog Post #9. Good for you! Students need strong, positive, devoted, male role models and teachers! I'm impressed that you also mentor and coach children outside of school. Reading and comprehending this blog assignment must have been a bit easier for you with the experience you have already gained.

    I agree that it's crucial to identify and communicate with your students. When you lose that bond, you seem to lose the education connection. You will be a great teacher if you already recognize this fact.

    However, don't forget about the other pitfalls of teaching that he warned us of: dealing with administration and difficult co-workers, flexibility in teaching, and unrealistic expectations. We have a lot to look forward to, but a lot to be prepared for as well. Good luck to you and keep up the good work!

  2. "But in the mean while I do numerous jobs working with kids; whether it's an after school study session or me coaching a team. I think you intended to write: In the meantime I do numerous jobs working with kids whether it is an after school study session or coaching a team. Look at the differences in your sentence and mine. proofread and watch your writing.

    Rather brief for two posts.
